Thursday 28 April 2016

How Can You Secure Your Magento Website From Hackers?

Since the time internet started getting popular and provided opportunities for many people to do some good business using the technology, security of the digital has been a worry for the users and owners. Hacker is a term given to the people who use illegal methods to take control of the website that has different owner.

Now every business is using internet to generate revenue and increase sales of their product or service. However, if the website is attacked and taken over by the hackers, it will tarnish brand value of your company name that will cause ill effects in your sales and business. So, it becomes vital to take proper security measures for your online business portals to keep it secure.

Magento is considered as the most preferred and strongest tool for the development on online shopping websites because it has numerous advanced features. Today you can find numerous experienced and professional Magento development company round the world to get your solution developed. 

Developing an attractive and wonderful online store is definitely the best plan to increase your business, but you need to ensure that your store is safe from hackers or else all your hard work and investment would be in vain.

Let us see how you can secure your Magento Store:

Magento platform itself releases many updates and built-in functions that have the capability to keep your store away from external threats. However, these features and functions can only work if you keep your website upgraded in regular intervals. You can always take help of any professional magento developer to learn about updating.

UserName and Password
This is the most basic method that is been told to you since you have started using online accounts. Always use complex user names and passwords, like password should be lengthy and have letters in both cases mixed with number and special characters. This ensures hackers will not be able to use any methods to crack your password. Every magento development company teaches about this basic thing to their customer.

Access Restriction
One of the major threats to the online store comes from unsecured FTP access, so it is important that you learn how you can use .htaccess and httpd.conf files to restrict the access. If you are not so good technically then you can seek help of any company offering magento developmentservices.

You should regularly change your passwords and always keep it strong. It would be better if you can get security review of your online store before launching to be sure about the security.
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